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[start_time], repeating until [series_end_date]An all day event every [interval] day(s), happening [count] timesAn all day event every [interval] day(s), repeating indefinitelyAn all day event every [interval] day(s), repeating until [series_end_date]An all day event every [interval] month(s) on [month_day_description] at [start_time], happening [count] timesAn all day event every [interval] month(s) on [month_day_description] at [start_time], repeating indefinitelyAn all day event every [interval] month(s) on [month_day_description] at [start_time], repeating until [series_end_date]An all day event every [interval] month(s) on [month_day_description], happening [count] timesAn all day event every [interval] month(s) on [month_day_description], repeating indefinitelyAn all day event every [interval] month(s) on [month_day_description], repeating until [series_end_date]An all day event every [interval] month(s) on day [month_number] of the month at [start_time], happening [count] timesAn all day event every [interval] month(s) on day [month_number] of the month at [start_time], repeating indefinitelyAn all day event every [interval] month(s) on day [month_number] of the month at [start_time], repeating until [series_end_date]An all day event every [interval] month(s) on day [month_number] of the month, happening [count] timesAn all day event every [interval] month(s) on day [month_number] of the month, repeating indefinitelyAn all day event every [interval] month(s) on day [month_number] of the month, repeating until [series_end_date]An all day event every [interval] week(s) on [days_of_week] at [start_time], happening [count] timesAn all day event every [interval] week(s) on [days_of_week] at [start_time], repeating indefinitelyAn all day event every [interval] week(s) on [days_of_week] at [start_time], repeating until [series_end_date]An all day event every [interval] week(s) on [days_of_week], happening [count] timesAn all day event every [interval] week(s) on [days_of_week], repeating indefinitelyAn all day event every [interval] week(s) on [days_of_week], repeating until [series_end_date]An all day event every [interval] year(s) on [month_day_description] of [month_names] at [start_time], happening [count] timesAn all day event every [interval] year(s) on [month_day_description] of [month_names] at [start_time], repeating indefinitelyAn all day event every [interval] year(s) on [month_day_description] of [month_names] at [start_time], repeating until [series_end_date]An all day event every [interval] year(s) on [month_day_description] of [month_names], happening [count] timesAn all day event every [interval] year(s) on [month_day_description] of [month_names], repeating indefinitelyAn all day event every [interval] year(s) on [month_day_description] of [month_names], repeating until [series_end_date]An all day event every [interval] year(s) on day [month_number] of [month_names] at [start_time], happening [count] timesAn all day event every [interval] year(s) on day [month_number] of [month_names] at [start_time], repeating indefinitelyAn all day event every [interval] year(s) on day [month_number] of [month_names] at [start_time], repeating until [series_end_date]An all day event every [interval] year(s) on day [month_number] of [month_names], happening [count] timesAn all day event every [interval] year(s) on day [month_number] of [month_names], repeating indefinitelyAn all day event every [interval] year(s) on day [month_number] of [month_names], repeating until [series_end_date]An error raised in the context of duplicating an event.A valid event could not be found.An error raised in the context of duplicating an event.The post ID is missing from the request.An event every [interval] day(s) that begins at [start_time], happening [count] timesAn event every [interval] day(s) that begins at [start_time], repeating indefinitelyAn event every [interval] day(s) that begins at [start_time], repeating until [series_end_date]An event every [interval] month(s) that begins at [start_time] on [month_day_description], happening [count] timesAn event every [interval] month(s) that begins at [start_time] on [month_day_description], repeating indefinitelyAn event every [interval] month(s) that begins at [start_time] on [month_day_description], repeating until [series_end_date]An event every [interval] month(s) that begins at [start_time] on day [month_number] of the month, happening [count] timesAn event every [interval] month(s) that begins at [start_time] on day [month_number] of the month, repeating indefinitelyAn event every [interval] month(s) that begins at [start_time] on day [month_number] of the month, repeating until [series_end_date]An event every [interval] week(s) that begins at [start_time] on [days_of_week], happening [count] timesAn event every [interval] week(s) that begins at [start_time] on [days_of_week], repeating indefinitelyAn event every [interval] week(s) that begins at [start_time] on [days_of_week], repeating until [series_end_date]An event every [interval] year(s) that begins at [start_time] on [month_day_description] of [month_names], happening [count] timesAn event every [interval] year(s) that begins at [start_time] on [month_day_description] of [month_names], repeating indefinitelyAn event every [interval] year(s) that begins at [start_time] on [month_day_description] of [month_names], repeating until [series_end_date]An event every [interval] year(s) that begins at [start_time] on day [month_number] of [month_names], happening [count] timesAn event every [interval] year(s) that begins at [start_time] on day [month_number] of [month_names], repeating indefinitelyAn event every [interval] year(s) that begins at [start_time] on day [month_number] of [month_names], repeating until [series_end_date]An unspecified end datean unspecified dateAprAprilAre you sure you want to delete this exception?Are you sure you want to delete this exclusion?Are you sure you want to trash all occurrences of these events?Are you sure you wish to remove this field and its data from all events?As in: day 12 of the monthof the monthAssign event to seriesAugAugustAuthorAutomatically remove recurring event instances older than thisBackground ColorBefore HTMLBefore posting a new thread, please do a search to make sure your issue hasn't already been addressed. When posting please make sure to provide as much detail about the problem as you can (with screenshots or screencasts if feasible), and make sure that you've identified whether a plugin / theme conflict could be at play in your initial message.Begins the line indicating on which month the event will occurinBegins the line indicating what day of the week the event will occur onOnBegins the line indicating when a recurrence time startsAtBegins the line indicating when a recurrence time startsFromBorder ColorBorder RadiusBreak from Recurring EventBreak from SeriesBreak this event out of its series and edit it independentlyBreak this occurrence out of the recurring event and edit it independentlyCalendar LinkCalendar LinksCancelCategoriesCategoryCategory ExclusionChange the default view for Mobile users.Check this to only show weekdays on Week View. This also affects the Events by Week widget.Check this to show the After HTML from the text area below on events displayed via shortcode.Check this to show the Before HTML from the text area below on events displayed via shortcode.CheckboxCityClean up recurring events afterClick to toggle datepickerClose modalColorCompleted!Completion MessageCondense %1$s SeriesCondense events in SeriesConfirmation messageAre you sure you want to convert this recurring event instance into a single event? This cannot be undone.Contact your Host or your system administrator and ask to upgrade to the latest version of PHP.ContainContentContent title for the View, displays right above the date selector on the Organizer View.%1$s from this %2$sContent title for the View, displays right above the date selector on the Venue View.%1$s at this %2$sConvert this occurrence to a single %1$s.CostCountdown Completed Text:Countdown NumberCountdown TextCountryCoverCreate recurring events in advance forCreate: <%= term %> (Draft)CustomCustom ContentCustom DividersCustom FieldsCustom field deleted.Custom field updated.Custom recurrences must have a type selected.Custom recurrences must have all data present.Customizable HTML to display after the event.Customizable HTML to display before the event.DailyDateDate SelectorDate TagDate in YYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM formatDate out of range.Date/TimeDayDay Number ColorDay Number TypographyDay of Week ColorDay of Week TypographyDay of weekDaysDecDecemberDefaultDefault ContentDefault addressDefault cityDefault countryDefault mobile viewDefault organizerDefault phoneDefault postal code/zip codeDefault state/provinceDefault venueDeleteDelete Recurring Event PermanentlyDelete Series PermanentlyDelete ThisDelete all events in this series permanentlyDelete all occurrences of this recurring event permanentlyDescribes a day of the month (e.g. "day 5" or "day 27")day %1$sDescriptionDescription of the Events By Week Widget.Display %1$s by day for the week.Description of the Events Calendar Widget.Displays this month's events.DetailsDisplay ImagesDisplay SecondsDisplay:Displays a list of upcoming events at a specific venue.Displays the time remaining until a specified event.Displays this month’s events.DistanceDistance unitDraftDraft %sDropdownDuplicateEdit %sEdit AllEdit Future EventsEdit Recurring %1$sEdit Recurring EventEdit SeriesEdit SingleEdit UpcomingEdit all events in this seriesEdit all occurrences of this recurring eventEdit seriesEmailEmail ColorEmail TypographyEnable the After HTML (below) on shortcodes.Enable the Before HTML (below) on shortcodes.Enable the Events Manager as the default page for viewing Events on the Administration page.End DateEndsEnter Location. Search for %s by Location.Enter a custom Google Maps API keyEnter a search keyword.Enter a venue name or ID.Enter an author login or ID.Enter an organizer name or ID.Enter field labelEnter your API KeyError: Event CatsEvent CostEvent CountEvent CountdownEvent DescriptionEvent DetailsEvent NavigationEvent OptionsEvent SeriesEvent Series Recurrence Day of WeekEvent TimeEvent TitleEvent VenueEvent admin duplicate link label.DuplicateEvent admin list duplicate link aria label.Duplicate eventEvent title map marker prefix%s: Event will not occur:Event:EventsEvents BarEvents Calendar PROEvents Calendar ProEvents CountdownEvents Featured VenueEvents ListEvents ManagerEvents Per PageEvents ViewEvents in this SeriesEvents: EveryException endsExceptionsExcludeExpected an array but received a variable of type '%s'Faster event editing. Smarter save options. More flexibility. Events Calendar Pro 6.0 is full of features to make managing recurring and connected events better than ever. Before you get started, we need to migrate your existing events into the new system. As with any significant site change, we recommend %screating a site backup%s before beginning the migration process.FeaturedFeatured EventsFeatured ImageFebFebruaryField LabelField TypeFifthFillFilter BarFiltersFirstFix geolocation dataFix venues dataFixed geolocation data for %d venuesFooterFooter NavigationFourthFrequency of recurring event must be a numberFridayFromFront-end recurring event instances toggleFuture EventFuture Event Background ColorGenerate JSON-LD dataGet %1$sGet DirectionsGet ready for the new recurring events!Google Maps API geocode resolution is only supported with a custom API key.Google Maps API replied with an error status to the request: %sGoogle Maps API response is missing some data.Google Maps API returned a malformed response.Google maps iframe displaying the address to %sGoogle maps iframe displaying the venue location mapGrid ColorHappensHas %sHeadingHeading ColorHeadingsHeightHideHide DetailsHide Recurring %sHide location searchHide related eventsHide this widget if there are no upcoming eventsHide weekends on Week ViewHighlight Color:Hooray!Horizontal LayoutIcon ColorIf fields are left empty when they're submitted, automatically fill them in with these values.If this is your first time using The Events Calendar Pro, you're in for a treat and are already well on your way to creating a first event. Here are some basics we've found helpful for users jumping into it for the first time:IgnoredInIn a locationInactive StateIncludeInclude this field on all new events in the Gutenberg block editorIsIs NotJanJanuaryJoins the last item in a list of items (i.e. the "and" in Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday)andJulJulyJunJuneKeywordKilometersLabel ColorLabel TypographyLabel for an all-day event.All dayLabel for option to set a custom color.CustomLabel for the "countdown to a single event" option.Next upcoming eventLabel for the "countdown to a single event" option.Specific eventLabel for the default option.Use Event Bar ColorLabel for the map pin controlMap PinLabelsLastLatitudeLayout:Link ColorLink TypographyLink ot the Events Manager pageBack to ManagerLink ot the Events Manager pageManagerLink titleConvert to SingleLinksListList dividerList enderLoading...LocationLongitudeLowercase plural name of the Series post typeseriesLowercase singular name of the Series post typeseriesM j, Y @ G:iMapMap view search distance limitMarMarchMatch allMatch anyMax WidthMaximum EventsMayMessage to display when the countdown is complete.MilesMini CalendarMondayMonthMonth Label ColorMonth Label TypographyMonth SeparatorMonth View Events Per DayMonthlyMonthly custom recurrences cannot have a dash set as the day to occur on.MonthsMove all events in this series to the TrashMove all occurrences of this recurring event to the TrashMulti-dayNameNavigationNavigation Arrows ColorNearNeverNew %sNextNext %1$sNext EventNext dayNext monthNext weekNoNo %s foundNo %s found in TrashNo DefaultNo default setNo events available to attach to a series.No results were found for %1$s in or near "%2$s" this week. Try searching another week.No results were found for %1$s in or near "%2$s".No results were found for this week. %1$sNo results were found for this week. Try searching another week.No saved organizers yet.No saved venues yet.NoneNotNot an event post.Note: the Day View only supports YYYY-MM-DD date formats as well as relative date formats like "yesterday", "today", "tomorrow", "+3 days", etc.Notes On Event StylingNotes On Event View StylingNotes on recommended image size for map pins.Google recommends a marker no more than 80px tall.NoticesNovNovemberNumber of events to list below the mini calendar:Number of events to show per day:Number of events to show:Object FitOctOctoberOkOnOn “Future Event” type of countdown, it will go to the next event after the current event starts.On “Next Event” type of countdown, this text will only show when there are no events to show.On and AfterOn and BeforeOnceOne all day event on [single_date]One all day event on [single_date] at [start_time]One country per line in the following format:
US, United States
UK, United Kingdom.
(Replaces the default list.)One event on [single_date] at [start_time]One multi-day event starting on [single_date]One multi-day event starting on [single_date] at [start_time]One per lineOngoingOnly Featured EventsOpacityOptionsOptions (one per line)Options selected here will override what was selected in the "General Theme" and "Global Elements" sectionsOrganizerOrganizer label for event in events list widget.%1$s: Organizer scheduled for: %1$s. Preview organizerOtherOtherwise, if you're feeling adventurous, you can get started by heading to the Events menu and adding your first event.Our number one goal is helping you succeed, and to whatever extent possible, we'll help troubleshoot and guide your customizations or tweaks. While we won't build your site for you, and we can't guarantee we'll be able to get you 100% integrated with every theme or plugin out there, we'll do all we can to point you in the right direction and to make you -- and your client, as is often more importantly the case -- satisfied.Parenthetical text for the link to the entire series.(See All)Past Event Background ColorPendingPhonePhone ColorPhone TypographyPhoto Background ColorPhoto ViewPlaceholder label for taxonomy filter dropdown.Select a Taxonomy TermPlaceholder text for a day of the week (or days of the week) before the user has selected any[day]Placeholder text for a month (or months) before the user has selected any[month]Placeholder used in the Series list Start Date column when a Series has no Occurrences.-Plugin A "and" Plugin B and Plugin A"," Plugin B, Plural name of the Series post typeSeriesPostal CodePrevPreview SeriesPreviousPrevious %1$sPrevious monthPrevious weekPrevious/Next EventsPriceQualifying the "different day". Example: "day" in "day 12 of the month"dayQualifying the "different day". Example: "the" in "the first Friday"theRSVP/TicketsRSVP/Tickets are not available in preview mode.RadioRadio ButtonsRead about our plans for future features.Read moreReady to go? The first step is a migration preview.Recurrence CountRecurrence DescriptionRecurrence Description:Recurrence End DateRecurrence meta should not be empty.Recurrence patterns are not yet supported for events with tickets or RSVPs.RecurringRecurring %1$s.Recurring %sRecurring %s:Recurring EventRecurring Event Day of WeekRecurring Event:Recurring Events ActiveRecurring event data is still being generated for this event. Don’t worry, you can safely navigate away – the process will resume in a bit in the background.Recurring event endsRecurring event ends on this dateRecurring event instancesRecurring event instances are still being created
Recurring events will be created this far in advanceRecurring label for event in events list widget.RecurringRecurring label for event in featured venue widget.RecurringRegionRelated %sRelated EventsRelated Events SettingsRemoveRemove related events from the single event view (with classic editor)Removes location search field from the Events Bar on all views.Repeat This EventRestore Recurring EventRestore SeriesRestore all events in this series from the TrashRestore all occurrences of this recurring event from the TrashSaturdaySchedule multiple eventsSearchSearch %sSearch eventsSecondSelect a StateSelect a Taxonomy TermSelect an %1$sSelect date.SepSeparator for event organizers in events list widget.andSeptemberSeriesSeries endsSeries ends on this dateSeries optionsSeries relationship marker prefix, w/o colon.Event SeriesSeries relationship marker prefix, with colon.Event Series:Series:Set the distance that the location search covers (find events within X distance units of location search input).SettingsShowShow DetailsShow Series title on event pages and calendar viewsShow only the first instance of each recurring event (only affects list-style views).Show only the next event in each Series (only affects list-style views).Show other events with the same event categories and/or tags.Show seconds?Single EventSingle ExceptionSingle RecurrenceSingular name of the Series post type.SeriesSold outSome additional field data still needs to be updated (unfortunately, we were unable to continue to update things automatically).Split the recurring event in two at this point, creating a new recurring event out of this and all subsequent eventsSplit the series in two at this point, creating a new series out of this and all subsequent eventsStart DateState (US) Or Province (Int)StreetSubscribe to CalendarSummarySundaySupportTagTag ExclusionTagsTextText AreaText ColorThe "week of" headerWeek of %sThe %1$s information is malformed from %2$s; data: %3$sThe %1$s post type(s) is not supported; supported post types are: %2$sThe %1$s required information is missing from %2$s; data: %3$sThe Events CalendarThe View Selector background color setting label.View Dropdown Background ColorThe abbreviated minutes duration labelminsThe abbreviated seconds duration labelsecsThe acknowledgment button text.OkayThe archive for events, "/organizer/" URL string component.organizerThe archive for events, "/venue/" URL string component.venueThe current default address is: %sThe current default city is: %sThe current default country is: %sThe current default organizer is: %sThe current default phone is: %sThe current default postal code/zip code is: %sThe current default venue is: %sThe data passed to the method is empty.The days duration labeldaysThe default text for the 'today' button's title and aria-label on the Week View.Click to select the current weekThe default text label for the "today" button on the Week View.This WeekThe default title of the Month Widget.Events CalendarThe description of the Countdown Widget.Displays the time remaining until a specified event.The description of the Featured Venue Widget.Displays a list of upcoming events at a specific venue.The event you selected and all subsequent events in the series will be separated into a new series of events that you can edit independently from the original series.The first-letter abbreviation for FridayFThe first-letter abbreviation for MondayMThe first-letter abbreviation for SaturdaySThe first-letter abbreviation for SundaySThe first-letter abbreviation for ThursdayTThe first-letter abbreviation for TuesdayTThe first-letter abbreviation for WednesdayWThe following recurring %1$s are now part of a new Series of the same name:The following recurring %1$s had multiple recurrence rules and were split into multiple recurring events with identical content. All of these %1$s are part of a new Series of the same name:The following recurring %1$s have multiple recurrence rules and will be split into multiple recurring %1$s with identical content. All of these %1$s will be part of a new Series of the same name:The following recurring %1$s will be part of a new Series of the same name:The hours duration labelhoursThe label for the amount of events to show in the Featured Venue Widget.Show:The label for the event field of the Countdown Widget.Event:The label for the field of the title of the Featured Venue Widget.Title:The label for the field to change the displayed text on countdown completion.Countdown Completed TextThe label for the layout field of the Week Widget.Layout:The label for the option to enable JSON-LD in the Featured Venue Widget.Generate JSON-LD dataThe label for the option to enable JSON-LD in the List Widget.Generate JSON-LD dataThe label for the option to enable JSON-LD in the Month Widget.Generate JSON-LD dataThe label for the option to enable JSON-LD in the Week View Widget.Generate JSON-LD dataThe label for the option to enable city display in the List Widget.CityThe label for the option to enable cost display in the List Widget.PriceThe label for the option to enable country display in the List Widget.CountryThe label for the option to enable organizer display in the List Widget.OrganizerThe label for the option to enable phone display in the List Widget.PhoneThe label for the option to enable region display in the List Widget.State (US) Or Province (Int)The label for the option to enable street display in the List Widget.StreetThe label for the option to enable venue display in the List Widget.VenueThe label for the option to enable website display in the List Widget.WebsiteThe label for the option to enable zip/postal code display in the List Widget.Postal CodeThe label for the option to filter the List Widget events via a taxonomy.Add a filter:The label for the option to hide the Featured Venue Widget if no upcoming events.Hide this widget if there are no upcoming events.The label for the option to show seconds in the countdown widget.Show seconds?The label for the taxonomy and/or option in the List Widget.Operand:The label for the title field of the Countdown Widget.Title:The label for the title field of the Month Widget.Title:The label for the title field of the Week Widget.Title:The label for the type field of the Countdown Widget.Countdown to:The label for the venue field of the Featured Venue Widget.Venue:The label of the confirm button in the Occurrence redirect dialog.OkayThe label shown when no Series is available for selection.Create or Find a SeriesThe label to choose the venue to show in the Featured Venue Widget.Choose a venue.The latitude and longitude for your venue could not be fetched. The Google Maps API daily query limit has been reached!. %1$s The maximum number of events this widget should show.The message containing an actionable link to allow the user to move to an Event that will allow editing recurrence rules.This is a single occurrence. To change recurrence rules, go to %1$s.The name of the Countdown Widget.Events CountdownThe name of the Events By Week Widget.%1$s By WeekThe name of the Featured Venue.Events Featured VenueThe name of the Month Widget.%1$s CalendarThe number of events to display per page day in month view. Defaults to the value set in Events > Settings.The number of events to display per page in List, Map, Photo, and Summary View.The plural case for "years" in the recurrence rules of an event, e.g. "Every 3 years"yearsThe post %1$d is missing the %2$s meta key.The prompt displayed to the user when trying to delete a Series related to 1 Recurring Event.This Series cannot be deleted because it contains one or more recurring events. Delete the associated recurring event(s) or assign them to another Series.The prompt displayed to the user when trying to delete a Series related to 2 or more Recurring Events.The following Series cannot be deleted because they contain one or more recurring events. Delete the associated recurring event(s) or assign them to another Series.The prompt displayed to the user when trying to trash a Series related to 1 Recurring Event.This Series cannot be trashed because it contains one or more recurring events. Trash the associated recurring event(s) or assign them to another Series.The prompt displayed to the user when trying to trash a Series related to 2 or more Recurring Events.The following Series cannot be trashed because they contain one or more recurring events. Trash the associated recurring event(s) or assign them to another Series.The singular case for "year" in the recurrence rules of an event, e.g. "Every 1 year"yearThe style of this widget is often affected by your theme and plugins. If you experience an issue, try switching to a basic WordPress theme and deactivate related plugins.The template of the message displayed to inform the user of the redirection to a new Occurrence.%1$d occurrences of this event have been updated. You will be redirected to the occurrence on %2$s.The text for the horizontal layout option.HorizontalThe text for the vertical layout option.VerticalThe text label for the Map View.MapThe text label for the Photo View.PhotoThe text label for the Summary View.SummaryThe text label for the Venue View.VenueThe text label for the Week View.WeekThe text of the link that will take the user to the Venue edit screen.update the venue address or use latitude & longitudeThe text of the link that will trigger an attempt to fix the Venues geolocation information.try againThe text shown before indicating the Series the Event is in relation with.Event Series:The title for the meta data section of the List Widget.Display:The title for the selected taxonomy section of the List Widget.Filters:The title of the Month Widget.%1$s CalendarThe title of the dialog that will inform the user the browser will be redirected to a new Occurrence edit screen.Recurring event updatedThe tooltip shown when hovering the close control.CloseThere was an error while trying to fix the Venues geolocation information: %sThere were no results found for "%s" this week.These changes will affect this %1$s and all following %2$sThirdThis %1$sThis %1$s does not have a mappable address.This %1$s is part of a %2$sSeries%3$s with %4$d total %5$s through %6$s.This action cannot be undone.This and following %1$sThis block displays related events based on the tags and categories you select. Please add tags and categories to display related events, and be sure you have more events for these tags and categories.This custom recurrence rule was created in a different calendar system and cannot be edited. Select a different option to create a new rule.This event’s recurrence rules were created in the block editor. Please use the block editor to make any further changes.This is a single occurrence. To change recurrence rules, go to %1$s.ThumbnailThursdayTimeTime SeparatorTime TagTimes:TitleTitle:ToTo allow better control over dates, advanced security improvements and performance gain.Today ButtonToggle multiday %sTrash Recurring %1$sTrash Recurring EventTrash SeriesTrashedTuesdayType:Type: %s %sTypographyURLUnable to continue processing recurring event data. Please reload this page to continue/try again.UpcomingUpdate this Series to add the selected events:Upgrade your recurring events.Use Default ViewUse a custom list of countriesUse a search keyword to only show matching events.Use date:Use in Block EditorUse latitude + longitudeUse pattern:Use this field if you want to override the auto-generated descriptions of event recurrenceUsed when displaying the word "day" in "the last day" or "the first day"dayUsed when displaying the word "days" in e.g. "every 3 days"daysUsed when displaying the word "month" in e.g. "every month"monthUsed when displaying the word "months" in e.g. "every 3 months"monthsUsed when displaying the word "week" in "the last week" or "the first week"weekUsed when displaying the word "weeks" in e.g. "every 3 weeks"weeksUsed when displaying the word "year" in e.g. "every year"yearUsed when displaying the word "years" in e.g. "every 2 years"yearsUsed when displaying: "the fifth Monday" or "the fifth day"the fifth %1$sUsed when displaying: "the first Monday" or "the first day"the first %1$sUsed when displaying: "the fourth Monday" or "the fourth day"the fourth %1$sUsed when displaying: "the last Monday" or "the last day"the last %1$sUsed when displaying: "the second Monday" or "the second day"the second %1$sUsed when displaying: "the third Monday" or "the third day"the third %1$sVenueVenue DetailsVenue LatitudeVenue LongitudeVenue count suffix+%d moreVenue scheduled for: %1$s. Preview venueVenue:Version 1Vertical LayoutVideo EmbedViewView %sView %s DetailsView All Add-OnsView MoreView OptionsView SelectorView SeriesView Start DateView more %1$s at %2$s.VirtualWatch ButtonWe need to update the additional field data for some of your events.We will use the Google Maps API to get that information. Doing this may take a while (approximately 1 minute for every 200 venues).We'll scan all existing %1$s and let you know what to expect from the migration process. You'll also get an idea of how long your migration will take. The preview runs in the background, so you'll be able to continue using your site.WebsiteWednesdayWeekWeek day formatWeek of %sWeeklyWeeksWhen you break events from a series their URLs will change, so any users trying to use their original URLs will receive a 404 not found error. If this is a concern, consider using a suitable plugin to set up and manage redirects.Which month will the event recur in?WidthYearYearlyYearly custom recurrences cannot have a dash set as the day to occur on.Yearly custom recurrences with a different day must have either a date or day specified.YesYou are about to break this event out of its series.You are about to break this event out of its series. You will be able to edit it independently of the original series. This action cannot be undone. When you break events from a series their URLs will change, so any users trying to use the original URLs will receive a 404 Not Found error. If this is a concern, consider using a suitable plugin to setup and manage redirects.You are about to break this occurrence out of its recurring event. You will be able to edit it independently of the original recurring event. This action cannot be undone. When you break occurrences from a recurring event their URLs will change, so any users trying to use the original URLs will receive a 404 Not Found error. If this is a concern, consider using a suitable plugin to setup and manage redirects.You are about to split this recurring event in two. The occurrence you selected and all subsequent occurrences in the recurring event will be separated into a new recurring event that you can edit independently of the original recurring event. This action cannot be undone. When you break occurrences from a recurring event their URLs will change, so any users trying to use the original URLs will receive a 404 Not Found error. If this is a concern, consider using a suitable plugin to setup and manage redirects.You are about to split this series in two.You are about to split this series in two. The event you selected and all subsequent events in the series will be separated into a new series of events that you can edit independently of the original series. This action cannot be undone. When you break events from a series their URLs will change, so any users trying to use the original URLs will receive a 404 Not Found error. If this is a concern, consider using a suitable plugin to setup and manage redirects.You are currently editing all events in a recurring series.You can use this setting to set specific, individual defaults for any new Venue you create (these will not be used for your default venue).You have venues for which we don't have geolocation data.You must select a recurrence end dateYou will be able to edit it independently from the original series.Your site is now using the upgraded recurring events system. See the report below to learn how your events may have been adjusted during the migration process.Your site is now using the upgraded recurring events system. See the report below to learn how your events may have been adjusted during the migration process. Go ahead and %1$scheck out your events%2$s or %3$sview your calendar.%2$sZipZoom Dial-in InfoZoom Linka different day:a different time:additional field updateAll fields have been updated!additional field updateAn unexpected error stopped the update from completing.additional field updateWorking…additional fields update triggerClick here to run the updater.afterallall dayandcustom monthly option for recurrence rule type dropdownmonthly (custom)custom recurrence time separatortocustom recurrence time/date separatoron thecustom recurrence time/date separatorthecustom weekly option for recurrence rule type dropdownweekly (custom)custom yearly option for recurrence rule type dropdownyearly (custom)dailydaily option for recurrence rule type dropdowndailydaydaysdebug geodataGeocode request failed (%1$s - %2$s)debug recurrenceInvalid instance of a recurring event was requested (%1$s) redirecting to %2$sdebug recurrenceUnknowndebug recurrenceincorrect slugdebug recurrenceinvalid datedialog cancel button textCanceldialog confirm button textOKdialog description for this and following eventsThese changes will affect this event and all following %sdialog option for all eventsAll %sdialog option for this and following eventsThis and following %sdialog title for edit recurring eventEdit recurring $sdialog title for trash recurring eventTrash recurring $seventeventsevents list widget settingLimit to featured events onlyfeatured events titleFeatured %sfifthfirstfor latitude and longitude to be auto-generated; otherwise, you'll only be able to enter the values manually.fourthhttps://evnt.is/20label for day of month dropdownday 1label for day of month dropdownday 10label for day of month dropdownday 11label for day of month dropdownday 12label for day of month dropdownday 13label for day of month dropdownday 14label for day of month dropdownday 15label for day of month dropdownday 16label for day of month dropdownday 17label for day of month dropdownday 18label for day of month dropdownday 19label for day of month dropdownday 2label for day of month dropdownday 20label for day of month dropdownday 21label for day of month dropdownday 22label for day of month dropdownday 23label for day of month dropdownday 24label for day of month dropdownday 25label for day of month dropdownday 26label for day of month dropdownday 27label for day of month dropdownday 28label for day of month dropdownday 29label for day of month dropdownday 3label for day of month dropdownday 30label for day of month dropdownday 31label for day of month dropdownday 4label for day of month dropdownday 5label for day of month dropdownday 6label for day of month dropdownday 7label for day of month dropdownday 8label for day of month dropdownday 9label for day of month dropdownfifth Fridaylabel for day of month dropdownfifth Mondaylabel for day of month dropdownfifth Saturdaylabel for day of month dropdownfifth Sundaylabel for day of month dropdownfifth Thursdaylabel for day of month dropdownfifth Tuesdaylabel for day of month dropdownfifth Wednesdaylabel for day of month dropdownfirst Fridaylabel for day of month dropdownfirst Mondaylabel for day of month dropdownfirst Saturdaylabel for day of month dropdownfirst Sundaylabel for day of month dropdownfirst Thursdaylabel for day of month dropdownfirst Tuesdaylabel for day of month dropdownfirst Wednesdaylabel for day of month dropdownfourth Fridaylabel for day of month dropdownfourth Mondaylabel for day of month dropdownfourth Saturdaylabel for day of month dropdownfourth Sundaylabel for day of month dropdownfourth Thursdaylabel for day of month dropdownfourth Tuesdaylabel for day of month dropdownfourth Wednesdaylabel for day of month dropdownlast Fridaylabel for day of month dropdownlast Mondaylabel for day of month dropdownlast Saturdaylabel for day of month dropdownlast Sundaylabel for day of month dropdownlast Thursdaylabel for day of month dropdownlast Tuesdaylabel for day of month dropdownlast Wednesdaylabel for day of month dropdownlast daylabel for day of month dropdownsecond Fridaylabel for day of month dropdownsecond Mondaylabel for day of month dropdownsecond Saturdaylabel for day of month dropdownsecond Sundaylabel for day of month dropdownsecond Thursdaylabel for day of month dropdownsecond Tuesdaylabel for day of month dropdownsecond Wednesdaylabel for day of month dropdownthird Fridaylabel for day of month dropdownthird Mondaylabel for day of month dropdownthird Saturdaylabel for day of month dropdownthird Sundaylabel for day of month dropdownthird Thursdaylabel for day of month dropdownthird Tuesdaylabel for day of month dropdownthird Wednesdaylastlist separator for final two elementsandmapmonthmonthlymonthly (custom)monthly option for recurrence rule type dropdownmonthlymonthsnevernext daynumber suffix for numbers ending in 1%1$sst daynumber suffix for numbers ending in 2%1$snd daynumber suffix for numbers ending in 3%1$srd daynumber suffix for numbers ending in something other than 1, 2, or 3%1$sth dayof the monthof this event have been created through %s.onon theonceonce option for recurrence rule type dropdownoncephotoplaceholder used where the true day of the day is determined dynamicallydaypretext for exclusion rule type dropdownNotpretext for recurrence rule type dropdownHappenspublish box date formatM j, Ypublish box time formatH:irecurring %1$sremovesame daysecondsee allstarting %ssummarythe 10th day of the monththe 11th day of the monththe 12th day of the monththe 13th day of the monththe 14th day of the monththe 15th day of the monththe 16th day of the monththe 17th day of the monththe 18th day of the monththe 19th day of the monththe 1st day of the monththe 20th day of the monththe 21st day of the monththe 22nd day of the monththe 23rd day of the monththe 24th day of the monththe 25th day of the monththe 26th day of the monththe 27th day of the monththe 28th day of the monththe 29th day of the monththe 2nd day of the monththe 30th day of the monththe 31st day of the monththe 3rd day of the monththe 4th day of the monththe 5th day of the monththe 6th day of the monththe 7th day of the monththe 8th day of the monththe 9th day of the monththe same day:the same time:thirdtoweekweeklyweekly (custom)weekly option for recurrence rule type dropdownweeklyweeksyearyearlyyearly (custom)yearly option for recurrence rule type dropdownyearlyyears—12345678910PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-13 17:03:00+0000 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1; X-Generator: GlotPress/3.0.0 Language: sv_SE Project-Id-Version: Events Calendar Pro och mĂ„nader(ta bort)%1$s och framĂ„tTill %1$s%1$s%1$s %2$s %3$s. Klicka för att vĂ€lja evenemang.%1$s %3$sVy %2$s%3$s%1$s InstĂ€llningar%1$s pĂ„ %2$s%1$s klockan %2$s till %3$s klockan %4$s.%1$s för vecka %2$s%1$s nu%1$s publicerad.%1$s sparad.%1$s till %2$s.%1$s uppdaterad.%1$s.%d %s%d exempel%d exempel%d förekomster av detta evenemang har skapats genom %s . LĂ€s mer.%d förekomst%d förekomster%d%% klart%s detaljer%s lĂ€nk%s för vecka av %s%s publicerad privat.%s publicerad.%s Ă„terstĂ€lld till utkast.%s schemalagd.%s uppdaterad.← Tillbaka till %s(%s evenemang)(%s evenemang)(Se alla)+ %d mer+ %d mer+1 ytterligare+%s ytterligare,, , och, och 2:a dagen3:e dagen4:e dagen5:e dagen6:e dagen7:e dagen%1$s krĂ€ver PHP %2$s eller högre.%1$s krĂ€ver PHP %2$s eller högre.

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Du kan ÄsidosÀtta dessa instÀllningar nÀr du lÀgger till ett nytt evenemang.

NĂ€sta »« FöregĂ„endeEnEn lĂ€nk till en viss %s.Ett flerdagsevenemang var [interval] dag(ar) klockan [start_time], intrĂ€ffar [count] gĂ„ngerEtt flerdagsevenemang var [interval] dag(ar) klockan [start_time], upprepas obegrĂ€nsatEtt flerdagarsevenemang var [interval] dag kl. [start_time], som upprepas till [series_end_date]Ett flerdagsevenemang var [interval] dag(ar), intrĂ€ffar [count] gĂ„ngerEtt flerdagsevenemang var [interval] dag(ar), upprepas obegrĂ€nsatEtt flerdagarsevenemang var [interval] dag, som upprepas till [series_end_date]Ett flerdagarsevenemang var [interval] mĂ„nad som startar [month_day_description] kl. [start_time], och som sker [count] gĂ„ngerEtt flerdagarsevenemang var [interval] mĂ„nad som startar pĂ„ [month_day_description] klockan [start_time], och som upprepas pĂ„ obestĂ€md tidEtt flerdagarsevenemang var [interval] mĂ„nad, som startar pĂ„ [month_day_description] kl. [start_time], och som upprepas till [series_end_date]Ett flerdagarsevenemang var [interval] mĂ„nad som startar pĂ„ [month_day_description], och som sker [count] gĂ„ngerEtt flerdagarsevenemang var [interval] mĂ„nad som börjar pĂ„ [month_day_description], och som upprepas pĂ„ obestĂ€md tidEtt flerdagsevenemang var [interval] mĂ„nad(er) börjar pĂ„ [month_day_description], upprepas till [series_end_date]Ett flerdags-evenemang var [interval] mĂ„nad som startar pĂ„ dag [month_number] i mĂ„naden kl [start_time], och hĂ€nder [count] gĂ„ngerEtt flerdagarsevenemang var [interval] mĂ„nad som börjar pĂ„ dag [month_number] i mĂ„naden, klockan [start_time], och som upprepas pĂ„ obestĂ€md tidEtt flerdagarsevenemang var [interval] mĂ„nad som startar pĂ„ dag [month_number] i mĂ„naden kl. [start_time], och som upprepas till [series_end_date]Ett flerdagars-evenemang var [interval] mĂ„nad med start pĂ„ dag [month_number] i mĂ„naden, hĂ€nder [count] gĂ„ngerEtt flerdagarsevenemang var [interval] mĂ„nad som startar pĂ„ dag [month_number] i mĂ„naden, och som upprepas pĂ„ obestĂ€md tidEtt flerdagarsevenemang var [interval] mĂ„nad som startar pĂ„ dag [month_number] i mĂ„naden, och som upprepas till [series_end_date]Ett flerdagarsevenemang var [interval] vecka som startar pĂ„ [days_of_week] kl. [start_time], coh som sker [count] gĂ„ngerEtt flerdagsevenemang var [interval] vecka/veckor börjar pĂ„ [days_of_week] klockan [start_time], upprepas obegrĂ€nsatEtt flerdagarsevenemang var [interval] vecka som startar pĂ„ [days_of_week] kl. [start_time], och som upprepas till [series_end_date]Ett flerdagarsevenemang var [interval] vecka som startar pĂ„ [days_of_week], och som sker [count] gĂ„ngerEtt flerdagsevenemang var [interval] vecka/veckor börjar pĂ„ [days_of_week], upprepas obegrĂ€nsatEtt flerdagarsevemang var [interval] vecka som startar pĂ„ [days_of_week], och som upprepas till [series_end_date]Ett flerdagsevenemang vart [interval] Ă„r som börjar pĂ„ [month_day_description] i [month_names] klockan [start_time], och som sker [count] gĂ„ngerEtt flerdagarsevenemang vart [interval] Ă„r som börjar pĂ„ [month_day_description] i [month_names], klockan [start_time], och upprepas pĂ„ obestĂ€md tidEtt flerdagarsevenemang vart [interval] Ă„r som börjar pĂ„ [month_day_description] i [month_names] klockan [start_time], och som upprepas till [series_end_date]Ett flerdagarsevenemang vart [interval] Ă„r som börjar pĂ„ [month_day_description] i [month_names], och som sker [count] gĂ„ngerEtt flerdagarsevenemang vart [interval] Ă„r som börjar pĂ„ [month_day_description] i [month_names], och upprepas pĂ„ obestĂ€md tidEtt flerdagarsevenemang vart [interval] Ă„r som börjar pĂ„ [month_day_description] i [month_names], och som upprepas till [series_end_date]Ett flerdagars-evenemang vart [interval] Ă„r som startar pĂ„ dag [month_number] i [month_names] kl [start_time], och som startar [first_occurrence_date] och repeteras tills vidareEtt flerdagarsevenemang vart [interval] Ă„r som börjar pĂ„ dag [month_number] i [month_names] klockan [start_time], och sker [count] gĂ„ngerEtt flerdagarsevenemang vart [interval] Ă„r med start pĂ„ dag [month_number] i [month_names] klockan [start_time], som upprepas pĂ„ obestĂ€md tidEtt flerdagarsevenemang vart [interval] Ă„r som startar pĂ„ [month_number] i [month_names] klockan [start_time], och som upprepas till [series_end_date]Ett flerdagarsevenemang vart [interval] Ă„r, som börjar pĂ„ dag [month_number] i [month_names], och sker [count] gĂ„ngerEtt flerdagarsevenemang vart [interval] Ă„r med start pĂ„ dag [month_number] i [month_names], som upprepas pĂ„ obestĂ€md tidEtt flerdagarsevenemang vart [interval] Ă„rsom startar pĂ„ dag [month_number] i [month_names], och som upprepas till [series_end_date]Ett flerdagars-evenemang vart [interval] Ă„r som startar pĂ„ dag [month_number] i [month_names], och som startar [first_occurrence_date] och repeteras tills vidareVid nedrĂ€kningstypen "NĂ€sta evenemang" visas denna text bara nĂ€r det inte finns nĂ„gra evenemang att visa.ÅtgĂ€rderLĂ€gg tillLĂ€gg till %1$sLĂ€gg till undantagLĂ€gg till uteslutningLĂ€gg till merLĂ€gg till nyLĂ€gg till ny %1$s pĂ„ %2$sLĂ€gg till ny %sLĂ€gg till regelLĂ€gg till ett filterLĂ€gg till ytterligare fĂ€lt till ditt evenemang genom att konfigurera fĂ€lten och alternativen hĂ€r. Dina anpassade ytterligare fĂ€lt visas sedan pĂ„ evenemangs-administrationssidan, sĂ„ att alla som skapar evenemang kan lĂ€gga till unik hĂ€ndelseinformation som matalternativ, rekommenderade Ă„ldersgrupper eller parkeringsinformation. %sLĂ€gg till en tillLĂ€gg till evenemang i serieLĂ€gg till fĂ€ltLĂ€gg till fler förekomsterYtterligare %1$s FĂ€ltYtterligare fĂ€ltYtterligare fĂ€ltAdress, AdressJustera evenemangets startdatum för att Ă€ndra upprepningsmönstret.Justera detta blocks alternativ under Evenemang → InstĂ€llningar → Evenemanget Ă€r inte giltigt.EfterEfter HTML.AllaAlla %1$sAlla %1$s for %2$sHeldagHela Dagen.LĂ€nk till alla evenemangHela dagenHela dagenTillĂ„t anvĂ€ndare att bestĂ€mma om alla instanser av ett Ă„terkommande evenemang ska visas i listvyer.TillĂ„t anvĂ€ndare att begrĂ€nsa list-vyer sĂ„ de endast visar nĂ€sta evenemang i varje serie.Ett heldagsevenemang var [interval] dag(ar) klockan [start_time], intrĂ€ffar [count] gĂ„ngerEtt heldagsevenemang var [interval] dag(ar) klockan [start_time], upprepas obegrĂ€nsatEtt heldagsevemeang var [interval] dag kl.[start_time], som upprepas till [series_end_date]Ett heldagsevenemang var [interval] dag(ar), intrĂ€ffar [count] gĂ„ngerEtt heldagsevenemang var [interval] dag(ar), upprepas obegrĂ€nsatEtt heldagsevenemang var [interval] dag, som upprepas till [series_end_date]Ett heldagsevenemang var [interval] mĂ„nad pĂ„ [month_day_description] kl [start_time], som sker [count] gĂ„ngerEtt heldagsevenemang var [interval] mĂ„nad pĂ„ [month_day_description] kl. [start_time], upprepas pĂ„ obestĂ€md tidEtt heldagsevenemang var [interval] mĂ„nad(er) pĂ„ [month_day_description] klockan [start_time], upprepas till [series_end_date]Ett heldagsevenamang var [interval] mĂ„nad pĂ„ [month_day_description], och som sker [count] gĂ„ngerEtt heldagsevenemang var [interval] mĂ„nad pĂ„ [month_day_description], upprepas pĂ„ obestĂ€md tidEtt heldagsevenemang var [interval] mĂ„nad(er) pĂ„ [month_day_description], upprepas till [series_end_date]Ett heldagsevenemang var [interval] mĂ„nad pĂ„ dag [month_number] i mĂ„naden kl. [start_time], som sker [count] gĂ„ngerEtt heldagsevenemang var [interval] mĂ„nad pĂ„ dag [month_number] i mĂ„naden, klockan [start_time], som upprepas pĂ„ obestĂ€md tidEtt heldagsevenemang var [interval] mĂ„nad pĂ„ dag [month_number] i mĂ„naden kl. [start_time], och som upprepas till [series_end_date]Ett heldagsevenemang var [interval] mĂ„nad pĂ„ dag [month_number] i mĂ„naden, som sker [count] gĂ„ngerEtt heldagsevenemang var [interval] mĂ„nad pĂ„ dag [month_number] i mĂ„naden, som upprepas pĂ„ obestĂ€md tidEtt heldagsevenemang var [interval] mĂ„nad pĂ„ dag [month_number] i mĂ„naden, som upprepas till [series_end_date]Ett heldagsevenemang var [interval] vecka pĂ„ [days_of_week] kl. [start_time], och som sker [count] gĂ„ngerEtt heldagsevenemang var [interval] vecka/veckor pĂ„ [days_of_week] klockan [start_time], upprepas obegrĂ€nsatEtt heldagsevenemang var [interval] vecka pĂ„ [days_of_week] kl. [start_time], som upprepas till [series_end_date]Ett heldagsevenemang var [interval] vecka pĂ„ [days_of_week], som sker [count] gĂ„ngerEtt heldagsevenemang var [interval] vecka/veckor pĂ„ [days_of_week], upprepas obegrĂ€nsatEtt heldagsevenemang var [interval] vecka pĂ„ [days_of_week], som upprepas till [series_end_date]Ett heldagsevenemang vart [interval] Ă„r pĂ„ [month_day_description] i [month_names] klockan [start_time], som sker [count] gĂ„ngerEtt heldagsevenemang vart [interval] Ă„r pĂ„ [month_day_description] i [month_names], klockan [start_time], som upprepas pĂ„ obestĂ€md tid Ett heldagsevenemang vart [interval] Ă„r pĂ„ [month_day_description] i [month_names] klockan [start_time], som upprepas till [series_end_date]Ett heldagsevenemang vart [interval] Ă„r pĂ„ [month_day_description] i [month_names], som sker [count] gĂ„ngerEtt heldagsevenemang vart [interval] Ă„r pĂ„ [month_day_description] i [month_names], som upprepas pĂ„ obestĂ€md tidEtt heldagsevenemang vart [interval] Ă„r pĂ„ [month_day_description] i [month_names], som upprepas till [series_end_date]Ett heldagsevenemang vart [interval] Ă„r pĂ„ dag [month_number] i [month_names] klockan [start_time], och som sker [count] gĂ„ngerEtt heldagsevenemang vart [interval] Ă„r pĂ„ dag [month_number] i [month_names] klockan [start_time], som upprepas pĂ„ obestĂ€md tidEtt heldagsevenemang vart [interval] Ă„r pĂ„ dag [month_number] i [month_names] klockan [start_time], och som upprepas till [series_end_date]Ett heldagsevenemang vart [interval] Ă„r pĂ„ dag [month_number] i [month_names], som sker [count] gĂ„ngerEtt heldagsevenemang vart [interval] Ă„r pĂ„ dag [month_number] i [month_names], som upprepas pĂ„ obestĂ€md tidEtt heldagsevenemang vart [interval] Ă„r pĂ„ dag [month_number] i [month_names], och som upprepas till [series_end_date]Ett giltigt evenemang kunde inte hittas.InlĂ€ggs-ID saknas i begĂ€ran.Ett evenemang var [interval] dag som börjar kl.[start_time], och sker [count] gĂ„ngerEtt evenemang var [interval] dag(ar) som börjar [start_time], upprepas obegrĂ€nsatEtt evenemang var [interval] dag som börjar kl. [start_time], och upprepas till [series_end_date]Ett evenemang var [interval] mĂ„nad som börjar kl. [start_time] pĂ„ [month_day_description], och som sker [count] gĂ„ngerEtt evenemang var [interval] mĂ„nad som börjar kl [start_time] pĂ„ [month_day_description], upprepas pĂ„ obestĂ€md tidEtt evenemang var [interval] mĂ„nad(er) som börjar klockan [start_time] pĂ„ [month_day_description], upprepas till [series_end_date]Ett evenemang var [interval] mĂ„nad som börjar kl. [start_time] pĂ„ dag [month_number] i mĂ„naden, och som sker [count] gĂ„ngerEtt evenemang var [interval] mĂ„nad som börjar klockan [start_time] pĂ„ dag [month_number] i mĂ„naden, och som upprepas pĂ„ obestĂ€md tidEtt evenemang var [interval] mĂ„nad som börjar kl. [start_time] pĂ„ dag [month_number] i mĂ„naden, och som upprepas till [series_end_date]Ett evenemang var [interval] vecka som börjar kl [start_time] pĂ„ [days_of_week], och som sker [count] gĂ„ngerEtt evenemang var [interval] vecka, som börjar kl. [start_time] pĂ„ [days_of_week], och som upprepas pĂ„ obestĂ€md tidEtt evenemang var [interval] vecka/veckor som börjar [start_time] pĂ„ [days_of_week], upprepas till [series_end_date]Ett evenemang vart [interval] Ă„r som börjar klockan [start_time] pĂ„ [month_day_description] i [month_names], och som sker [count] gĂ„ngerEtt evenemang vart [interval] Ă„r som börjar klockan [start_time] pĂ„ [month_day_description] i [month_names], och upprepas pĂ„ obestĂ€md tidEtt evenemang vart [interval] Ă„r som börjar klockan [start_time] pĂ„ [month_day_description] i [month_names], och som upprepas till [series_end_date]Ett evenemang vart [interval] Ă„r som börjar klockan [start_time] pĂ„ dag [month_number] i [month_names], och sker [count] gĂ„ngerEtt evenemang vart [interval] Ă„r, som börjar klockan [start_time] pĂ„ dag [month_number] i [month_names], som upprepas pĂ„ obestĂ€md tidEtt evenemang vart [interval] Ă„r som börjar klockan [start_time] pĂ„ dag [month_number] i [month_names], och som upprepas till [series_end_date]ett ospecificerat datumApraprilÄr du sĂ€ker pĂ„ att du vill ta bort detta undantag?Är du sĂ€ker pĂ„ att du vill ta bort detta undantag?Är du sĂ€ker att du vill slĂ€nga alla förekomster av dessa evenemang?Är du sĂ€ker pĂ„ att du vill ta bort detta fĂ€lt och dess data frĂ„n alla evenemang?i mĂ„nadenTilldela evenemang till serieAugaugustiFörfattareTa automatiskt bort Ă„terkommande evenemangsinstanser Ă€ldre Ă€n dettaBakgrundsfĂ€rgFöre HTMLInnan du postar en ny trĂ„d, gör en sökning för att se till att din frĂ„ga inte redan tagits upp. NĂ€r du postar vĂ€nligen se till att ge sĂ„ mycket information om problemet som möjligt (med skĂ€rmdumpar eller screencasts om möjligt), och se till att du har identifierat om en plugin / tema konflikt kan vara pĂ„ lek i ditt ursprungliga meddelande.iPĂ„PĂ„FrĂ„nKantfĂ€rgKantradieTa ut ur Ă„terkommande evenemangPaus frĂ„n serienBryt detta evenemang ur sin serie och redigera den oberoendeTa ut denna hĂ€ndelse ur det Ă„terkommande evenemanget och redigera det oberoende av dettaKalenderlĂ€nkKalender-lĂ€nkarAvbrytKategorierKategoriKategoriuteslutningÄndra den förvalda vyn för mobila anvĂ€ndare.Markera detta för att bara visa vardagar i veckovyn. Detta pĂ„verkar Ă€ven widgeten Evenemang per vecka.Kryssa i detta för att visa texten nedan Efter HTML pĂ„ evenemang som visas med hjĂ€lp av shortcode.Kryssa i detta för att visa texten nedan FöreHTML pĂ„ evenemang som visas med hjĂ€lp av shortcode.KryssrutaStadStĂ€da upp Ă„terkommande hĂ€ndelser efterKlicka för att visa/dölja datumvĂ€ljareStĂ€ng popupFĂ€rgKlart!SlutförandemeddelandeKomprimera %1$s serieKomprimera evenemang i serierÄr du sĂ€ker pĂ„ att du vill Ă€ndra det hĂ€r Ă„terkommande evenemanget till ett enda evenemang? Detta kan inte göras ogjort.Kontakta din webbplatsleverantör eller din systemadministratör och be att fĂ„ uppgradera till den senaste versionen av PHP.InnehĂ„llaInnehĂ„ll%1$s frĂ„n denna %2$s%1$s pĂ„ denna %2$sOmvandla denna hĂ€ndelse till enskild %1$s.KostnadNedrĂ€kning avslutad text:NedrĂ€kningsnummerNedrĂ€kningstextLandTĂ€ckSkapa Ă„terkommande evenemang i förvĂ€g förSkapa: <%= term %> (Utkast)AnpassadAnpassat innehĂ„llAnpassade avdelareAnpassade fĂ€ltAnpassat fĂ€lt borttaget.Anpassat fĂ€lt uppdaterat.Anpassade upprepningar mĂ„ste ha en typ vald.Anpassade upprepningar mĂ„ste ha all data nĂ€rvarande.Anpassningsbar HTML som visas efter evenemanget.Anpassningsbar HTML som visas före evenemanget.DagligenDatumDatumvĂ€ljareDatumtaggDatum enligt formatet ÅÅÅÅ-MM-DD eller ÅÅÅÅ-MM Datum utanför intervallet.Datum/tidDagFĂ€rg för dagnummerTypografi för dagnummerFĂ€rg för veckodagTypografi för veckodagVeckodagDagarDecdecemberStandardvĂ€rdeFörvalt innehĂ„llFörvald adressFörvald stadFörvalt landFörvald mobil vyFörvald arrangörFörvalt telefonnummerFörvalt postnummerStandard stat/provinsFörvald platsRaderaTa bort Ă„terkommande evenemang permanentRadera serier permanentTa bort dettaTa bort alla hĂ€ndelser i denna serie permanentTa bort alla förekomster av detta Ă„terkommande evenemang permanentdag %1$sBeskrivningVisa %1$s per dag för veckan.Visar denna mĂ„nads evenemang.DetaljerVisa bilderVisa sekunderVisa:Visa en lista pĂ„ kommande evenemang för en speciell plats.Visa tiden som Ă„terstĂ„r innan ett specificerat evenemang.Visar denna mĂ„nads evenemang.DistansAvstĂ„ndsenhetUtkastUtkast %sRullgardinDupliceraRedigera %sRedigera allaRedigera kommande evenemangRedigera Ă„terkommande %1$sRedigera Ă„terkommande evenemangRedigera serieRedigera enskildRedigera kommandeRedigera alla evenemang i den hĂ€r serienRedigera alla förekomster av detta Ă„terkommande evenemangRedigera serieEmailEpostfĂ€rgEposttypografiAktivera Efter HTML (nedan) pĂ„ shortcodes.Aktivera Före HTML (nedan) pĂ„ shortcodes.Aktivera Calendar Manager som standardsida för att visa hĂ€ndelser pĂ„ administrationssidan.SlutdatumSlutarVĂ€lj plats. Sök efter %s genom plats.Ange en anpassad Google Maps API-nyckelAnge ett sökord.Ange en evenemangs-plats eller ID.Ange ett författar-login eller IDAnge ett organisatörs-namn eller ID.LĂ€gg till fĂ€lt-rubrikAnge din API-nyckelFel:EvenemangskategoriEvenemangsprisAntal evenemangNedrĂ€kning till evenemangEvenemangsbeskrivningEvenemangsdetaljerEvenemangs-navigeringEvenemangsinstĂ€llningarEvenemangs-serieVeckodag för serie av Ă„terkommande evenemangEvenemangstidEvenemangsrubrikEvenemangsplatsDupliceraDuplicera evenemang%s:Evenemanget intrĂ€ffar inte:Evenemang:EvenemangEvenemangsfĂ€ltEvents Calendar PROEvents Calendar PROEvenemang nedrĂ€kningEvenemang platsEvenemangslistaEvents ManagerEvenemang per sidaEvenemangs-vyEvenemang i denna serieEvenemangVarjeUndantaget upphörUndantagUteslutFörvĂ€ntade en matris men fick en variabel av typen '%s'Snabbare redigering av evenemang. Smartare alternativ för att spara. Mer flexibilitet. Events Calendar Pro 6.0 Ă€r full av funktioner för att göra hanteringen av Ă„terkommande och kopplade evenemang bĂ€ttre Ă€n nĂ„gonsin. Innan du börjar behöver vi migrera dina existerande evenemang till det nya systemet. Som med alla betydande webbplatsĂ€ndringar rekommenderar vi att du %skapar en sĂ€kerhetskopia av webbplatsen%s innan migreringsprocessen pĂ„börjas.UppmĂ€rksammadUtvalda evenemangUtvald bildFebfebruariFĂ€ltetikettFĂ€lttypFemteFyllFiltreringsverktygFilterFörstaFixa geolokaliseringsdataFixa platsdataFixade geolokaliseringsdata för %d platserSidfotSidfotsnavigeringFjĂ€rdeFrekvens för Ă„terkommande evenemang mĂ„ste vara en siffrafredagFrĂ„nFront-end Ă„terkommande evenemang instans vĂ€xlandeFramtida evenemangBakgrundsfĂ€rg pĂ„ kommande evenemangGenerera JSON-LD dataSkaffa %1$sFĂ„ vĂ€gbeskrivningarGör dig redo för de nya Ă„terkommande evenemangen!Google Maps API: platsuppslag krĂ€ver egen API-nyckel.Google Maps API returnerade med felkod för begĂ€ran: %sGoogle Maps API returnerade ofullstĂ€ndig data.Google Maps API returnerade ett felaktigt svar.Google maps-iframe som visar adressen till %sGoogle maps-iframe som visar evenemangets platskartaFĂ€rg pĂ„ rutnĂ€tHĂ€nderHar %sRubrikSidhuvudfĂ€rgRubrikerHöjdDöljDölj detaljerDölj Ă„terkommande %sDölj platssökningDölj relaterade evenemangDölj denna widget om det inte finns nĂ„gra kommande evenemang. Dölj helger pĂ„ Vecko-vynMarkeringsfĂ€rg:Hurra!Horisontell layoutIkonfĂ€rgOm fĂ€lten lĂ€mnas tomma nĂ€r de skickats kommer de automatiskt fylla med dessa vĂ€rden.Om detta Ă€r första gĂ„ngen du anvĂ€nder "The Events Calendar", Ă€r du redan pĂ„ god vĂ€g att skapa ditt första evenemang. HĂ€r kommer lite grundlĂ€ggande tips som vi har hittat till hjĂ€lp för anvĂ€ndare som hoppar in i dtn för första gĂ„ngen:IgnonerasIPĂ„ en vald platsInaktivt tillstĂ„ndInkluderaInkludera detta fĂ€lt pĂ„ samtliga nya evenemang i Gutenberg-blockeditorn. Ă€rĂ€r ejJanjanuariochJuljuliJunjuniSökordKilometerEtikettfĂ€rgEtikett-typografiHeldagAnpassadNĂ€sta kommande evenemangEnskilt evenemangAnvĂ€nd fĂ€rgen frĂ„n evenemangsfĂ€ltetKartnĂ„lEtiketterSistaLatitudLayout:LĂ€nkfĂ€rgLĂ€nk-typografiTillbaka till ManagerManagerOmvandla till enskildLĂ€nkarListaList-avdelareList-slutLaddar...PlatsLongitudserierserieM j, Y @ G:iKartaKartvy, visa distansbegrĂ€nsning för sökningarMarmarsMatcha allaMatcha vilken somMaxbreddMax antal evenemangmajMeddelande att visa nĂ€r nedrĂ€kningen Ă€r klar.MilesMini-kalendermĂ„ndagMĂ„nadFĂ€rg pĂ„ mĂ„nadsetikettTypografi för mĂ„nadsetikettMĂ„nadsavdelareMĂ„nadsvy - evenemang per dagMĂ„nadsvisMĂ„nadsvis anpassade repeterande evenemang kan inte ha ett bindestreck satt som dag för repetition.MĂ„naderFlytta alla evenemang i den hĂ€r serien till papperskorgenFlytta alla förekomster av detta Ă„terkommande evenemang till skrĂ€pkorgenFlera dagarNamnNavigeringFĂ€rg pĂ„ navigeringspilarNĂ€raAldrigNy %sNĂ€staNĂ€sta %1$sNĂ€sta evenemangNĂ€sta dagNĂ€sta mĂ„nadNĂ€sta veckaNejInget %s hittadInget %s hittad i papperskorgenInget förvalInget förval sattDet finns inga evenemang att lĂ€gga till i serienInga resultat hittades för %1$s i eller nĂ€ra "%2$s" denna vecka. Försök söka pĂ„ annan vecka.Inga söktrĂ€ffar för evenemang i eller nĂ€ra "%1$s".Inga resultat hittades för denna vecka. %1$sInga resultat hittades för denna vecka. Försök igen med en annan vecka.Inga sparade arrangörer Ă€n.Inga sparade platser Ă€nnu.IngaInteInte ett evenemangsinlĂ€gg.Observera: Dag-vyn stödjer endast datumformatet ÅÅÅÅ-MM-DD , samt relativa datumformateringar som "igĂ„r", "idag", "imorgon", "+ 3 dagar" etc.Noteringar angĂ„ende evenemangs-stylingNoteringar om Evenemangsvy-instĂ€llningarGoogle rekommenderar en markör som inte Ă€r högre Ă€n 80px.MeddelandenNovnovemberAntal evenemang att lista under minikalendern:Antal evenemang att visa per dag:Antal evenemang att visa:ObjektpassningOktoktoberOkPĂ„Vid “Future Event” nedrĂ€kningssĂ€tt, kommer det att hoppa till nĂ€sta evenemang efter att aktuellt evenemang startar.För “Next Event” typ av nedrĂ€kningslista, kommer denna text endast att synas nĂ€r det inte finns nĂ„gra evenemang att visa.PĂ„ och EfterPĂ„ och FöreEn gĂ„ngEtt heldags-evenemang den [single_date]Ett heldags-evenemang [single_date] kl [start_time]Ett land per rad pĂ„ följande format:
SE, Sverige
US, United States
UK, United Kingdom.
(ErsĂ€tter den förvalda listan.)Ett evenemang [single_date] kl [start_time]Ett flerdagars-evenemang som startar [single_date]Ett flerdagars-evenemang som startar [single_date] kl [start_time]En per radPĂ„gĂ„endeEndast utvalda evenemangGenomskinlighetAlternativVal (ett per rad)Alternativ som vĂ€ljs hĂ€r kommer att Ă„sidosĂ€tta det som valts i avsnitten "AllmĂ€nt tema" och "Globala element"Arrangör%1$s: Arrangör planerad för: %1$s. Förhandsvisa arrangörAnnanAnnars, om du kĂ€nner dig Ă€ventyrlig, kan du komma igĂ„ng genom att ge dig av till evenemangsmenyn och lĂ€gga till ditt första evenemang.VĂ„rt primĂ€ra mĂ„l Ă€r att hjĂ€lpa dig att lyckas, och i den utstrĂ€ckning det Ă€r möjligt kommer vi att hjĂ€lpa dig att felsöka och vĂ€gleda dina anpassningar eller tweaks. Även om vi inte kommer att bygga din webbplats för dig, och vi kan inte garantera att vi kommer att kunna fĂ„ dig 100% integrerad med varje tema eller plugin dĂ€r ute, gör vi allt vi kan för att peka dig i rĂ€tt riktning och för att du - och din klient, vilket ofta Ă€r det viktigare mĂ„let - blir nöjd.(Se allt)BakgrundsfĂ€rg pĂ„ tidigare evenemangVĂ€ntarTelefonnummerTelefonfĂ€rgTelefontypografiFotots bakgrundsfĂ€rgFoto vyVĂ€lj en klassifikation[dag][mĂ„nad]- och , SerierPostnummerFöregĂ„endeFörhandsgranska serieFöregĂ„endeFöregĂ„ende %1$sFöregĂ„ende mĂ„nadFöregĂ„ende veckaFöregĂ„ende/NĂ€sta evenemangPrisdagendenRSVP/biljetterRSVP/biljetter Ă€r inte tillgĂ€ngliga i förhandsgranskningslĂ€ge.AlternativAlternativknapparLĂ€s om vĂ„ra planer för framtida funktioner.LĂ€s merÄr du redo? Första steget Ă€r en förhandsvisning av migrationen.Återkommande antalBeskrivning av Ă„terkommande serieÅterkommande beskrivning:Återkommande SlutdatumMeta för Ă„terkommande ska inte vara tom.Återkommande mönster stöds Ă€nnu inte för evenemang med biljetter eller OSA.RepeterandeÅterkommande %1$s.Återkommande %sÅterkommande %s:Återkommande evenemangÅterkommande evenemangsdag i veckanÅterkommande evenemang:Aktiva Ă„terkommande evenemangÅterkommande evenemangs-data genereras fortfarande för det hĂ€r evenemanget. Du kan sĂ€kert navigera bort frĂ„n denna sida och processen kommer att Ă„terupptas om en stund i bakgrunden.Återkommande evenemang slutarÅterkommande evenemang slutar pĂ„ detta datumÅterkommande evenemangsexempelÅterkommande evenemangs-instanser skapas fortfarande...Återkommande hĂ€ndelser kommer att skapas sĂ„hĂ€r lĂ„ngt i förvĂ€gÅterkommandeÅterkommandeRegionRelaterade %sRelaterade evenemangInstĂ€llningar för relaterade hĂ€ndelserTa bortTa bort relaterade evenemang frĂ„n singel-evenemangsvyn (klassisk editor)Tar bort platssökningsfĂ€ltet frĂ„n evenemangsfĂ€ltet i alla vyer.Upprepa detta evenemangÅterstĂ€ll Ă„terkommande evenemangÅterstĂ€ll serierÅterstĂ€ll alla evenemang i den hĂ€r serien frĂ„n papperskorgenÅterstĂ€ll alla förekomster av detta Ă„terkommande evenemang frĂ„n papperskorgenlördagSchemalĂ€gg fler tillfĂ€llenSökSök %sSök evenemangAndraVĂ€lj ett lĂ€nVĂ€lj en taxonomitermVĂ€lj en %1$sVĂ€lj datumSepochseptemberSerieSerie slutarSerien tar slut pĂ„ detta datumSerie-alternativEvenemangs-serieEvenemangs-serie:Serie:SĂ€tt distansen för vad lokaliseringssökningen tĂ€cker (Hitta evenemang inom X distansenheter frĂ„n platsen som angivits).InstĂ€llningarVisaVisa detaljerVisa seriens titel pĂ„ evenemangssidor och i kalendervyerVisa endast första instansen av varje Ă„terkommande evenemang. (pĂ„verkar bara list-vy)Visa endast nĂ€sta evenemang i varje serie (pĂ„verkar endast list-vyer).Visa andra evenemang med samma evenemangs-kategori och/eller etikett.Visa sekunder?Enskilt evenemangEnstaka undantagEnstaka upprepningSerieUtsĂ„ltVissa ytterligare fĂ€ltdata behöver fortfarande uppdateras (tyvĂ€rr kunde vi inte fortsĂ€tta att uppdatera saker automatiskt).Dela det Ă„terkommande evenemanget i 2 delar vid denna punkt, och skapa ett nytt Ă„terkommande evenemang frĂ„n detta och alla efterföljande evenemangDela upp serien i tvĂ„ pĂ„ denna punkt, skapa en ny serie av denna och alla efterföljande evenemangStartdatumLĂ€nGataPrenumerera pĂ„ kalenderSammanfattningsöndagSupportEtikettUteslutning av taggEtiketterTextTextfĂ€ltTextfĂ€rgVecka %s%1$s informationen Ă€r felaktig frĂ„n %2$s; data: %3$s%1$s inlĂ€ggstyp(er) stöds inte; inlĂ€ggstyper som stöds Ă€r: %2$sDen information som krĂ€vs för %1$s saknas frĂ„n %2$s; data: %3$sEvenemangskalenderVisa nedrullningsbar bakgrundsfĂ€rgminsekOkejArrangörplatsNuvarande förvald adress Ă€r: %sNuvarande förvald stad Ă€r: %sNuvarande förvalt land Ă€r: %sNuvarande förvald arrangör Ă€r: %sNuvarande förvalt telefonnummer Ă€r: %sNuvarande förvalt postnummer Ă€r: %sNuvarande förvald plats Ă€r: %sData som skickas till metoden Ă€r tom.dagarKlicka för att vĂ€lja nuvarande veckaDenna veckaEvents CalendarVisa Ă„terstĂ„ende tid till ett angivet evenemang.Visar en lista pĂ„ kommande evenemang pĂ„ en viss plats.Evenemanget du valde och alla efterföljande evenemang i serien kommer att delas upp i en ny serie evenemang som du kan redigera oberoende av den ursprungliga serien.FMLSTTOFöljande Ă„terkommande %1$s Ă€r nu en del av en ny serie med samma namn:Följande Ă„terkommande %1$s hade flera upprepningsregler och delades i flera Ă„terkommande evenemang med identiskt innehĂ„ll. Alla dessa %1$s Ă€r en del av en ny serie med samma namn:Följande Ă„terkommande %1$s har flera upprepningsregler och kommer att delas i flera Ă„terkommande %1$s med identiskt innehĂ„ll. Alla dessa %1$s kommer att bli en del av en ny serie med samma namn:Följande Ă„terkommande %1$s kommer att bli en del av en ny serie med samma namn:timmarVisa:Evenemang:Rubrik:Text nĂ€r nedrĂ€kningen Ă€r klarLayoutGenerera JSON-LD dataGenerera JSON-LD dataGenerera JSON-LD dataGenerera JSON-LD dataStadPrisLandArrangörTelefonStat (US) eller provins (internationellt)GataAnlĂ€ggningHemsidaPostnummerLĂ€gg till ett filter:Göm denna widget om det saknas kommande evenemang.Visa sekunder?Operand:Rubrik:Rubrik:Rubrik:NedrĂ€kning till:Evenemangsplats:OkejSkapa eller hitta en serieVĂ€lj en evenemangsplats.Latitud och longitud för din anlĂ€ggning kunde inte hĂ€mtas. Den dagliga frĂ„gegrĂ€nsen för Google Maps API har nĂ„tts! %1$sMax antal evenemang som widgeten ska visaDet hĂ€r Ă€r en enskild hĂ€ndelse. För att Ă€ndra upprepningsregler, go to %1$s.NedrĂ€kning av evenemang%1$s veckovisUtvald evenemangsplats%1$s KalenderAntalet evenemang att visa per dag i mĂ„nadsvyn. StandardvĂ€rde hĂ€mtas frĂ„n vĂ€rdet i EvenemangsinstĂ€llningar.Antalet evenemang att visa per sida i List-, Kart-, Foto- och Sammanfattningsvyerna.Ă„rInlĂ€gget %1$d saknar %2$s meta-nyckel.Den hĂ€r serien kan inte tas bort eftersom den innehĂ„ller en eller flera Ă„terkommande evenemang. Ta bort de associerade evenemangen eller koppla dem till en annan serie.Följande serier kan inte tas bort eftersom de innehĂ„ller en eller flera Ă„terkommande evenemang. Ta bort de associerade evenemangen eller koppla dem till en annan serie.Den hĂ€r serien kan inte kastas i papperskorgen eftersom den innehĂ„ller en eller flera Ă„terkommande evenemang. Kasta de associerade Ă„terkommande evenemangen eller tilldela dem till en annan serie.Följande serier kan inte kastas i papperskorgen eftersom de innehĂ„ller en eller flera Ă„terkommande evenemang. SlĂ€ng de associerade evenemangen i papperskorgen eller koppla dem till en annan serie.Ă„rStilen pĂ„ den hĂ€r widgeten pĂ„verkas ofta av ditt tema och tillĂ€gg. Om du upplever ett problem, prova att byta till ett grundlĂ€ggande WordPress-tema och inaktivera relaterade tillĂ€gg.%1$d förekomster av detta evenemang har uppdaterats. Du kommer att dirigeras om till hĂ€ndelsen pĂ„ %2$s.VĂ„grĂ€t layoutLodrĂ€t layoutKartaFotoSammanfattningMötesplatsVeckaAnge platsens adress eller anvĂ€nd latitud och longitudFörsök igenEvenemangs-serie:Visa:Filter:EvenemangskalenderÅterkommande evenemang har uppdateratsStĂ€ngEtt fel intrĂ€ffade vid geografisk lokalisering: %sInga resultat hittades för "%s" denna vecka.De hĂ€r Ă€ndringarna kommer att pĂ„verka detta %1$s och alla följande %2$sTredjeDetta %1$sDen hĂ€r %1$s har ingen adress som gĂ„r att hitta pĂ„ kartan.Denna %1$s Ă€r del av en %2$sserie%3$s med %4$d total %5$s genom %6$s.Den hĂ€r Ă„tgĂ€rden kan inte Ă„ngras.Detta och följande %1$sDet hĂ€r blocket visar relaterade evenemang baserat pĂ„ de taggar och kategorier du vĂ€ljer. LĂ€gg till taggar och kategorier för att se relaterade evenemang och se till att du har fler evenemang för dessa taggar och kategorier.Denna anpassade regel för upprepningar skapades i ett annat kalender-system och kan inte redigeras. VĂ€lj ett annat alternativ för att skapa en ny regel.Reglerna för Ă„terkommande evenemang skapades i blockeditorn. AnvĂ€nd blockeditorn för att göra ytterligare förĂ€ndringar. Detta Ă€r en enda hĂ€ndelse. För att Ă€ndra upprepningsregler, gĂ„ till %1$s.MiniatyrtorsdagTidTidsavdelareTidstaggTider:TitelTitel:TillFör att möjliggöra bĂ€ttre kontroll över datum, avancerade sĂ€kerhetsförbĂ€ttringar och bĂ€ttre prestanda. Idag-knappVisa/dölj flerdagars %sKasta Ă„terkommande %1$sLĂ€gg Ă„terkommande evenemang i papperskorgenSlĂ€ng serieSkrĂ€ptisdagTyp:Typ: %s %sTypografiURLDet gĂ„r inte att fortsĂ€tta behandlingen av det Ă„terkommande evenemanget. VĂ€nligen ladda om sidan för att fortsĂ€tta/försöka igen.KommandeUppdatera denna serie för att lĂ€gga till valda evenemang:Uppgradera dina Ă„terkommande evenemang.AnvĂ€nd förvald vyAnvĂ€nd en anpassad lista för lĂ€nderAnvĂ€nd ett sökord för att endast visa matchande evenemang.AnvĂ€nd datum:AnvĂ€nd i blockeditorAnvĂ€nd latitud + longitudAnvĂ€nd mönster:AnvĂ€nd detta fĂ€lt om du vill skriva över autogenererade beskrivningar av Ă„terkommande evenemang.dagdagarmĂ„nadmĂ„naderveckaveckorĂ„rĂ„rden femte %1$sden första %1$sden fjĂ€rde %1$sden sista %1$sden andra %1$sden tredje %1$sPlatsEvenemangsplats-detaljerPlatsens latitudPlatsens longitud+%d merPlats planerad för: %1$s. Förhandsvisa platsPlats:Version 1Vertikal layoutInbĂ€ddad videoGranskaSe %sSe %s detaljerVisa alla tillĂ€ggSe merVisa alternativVy-vĂ€ljareSe serieSe startdatumVisa mer %1$s pĂ„ %2$s.VirtuellBevakningsknappVi mĂ„ste uppdatera ytterligare fĂ€ltdata för nĂ„gra av dina evenemang.Vi kommer att anvĂ€nda Google Maps API för att fĂ„ fram informationen. Detta kan ta ta en stund (ungefĂ€r 1 minut per 200 platser).Vi kommer att skanna alla existerande %1$s och lĂ„ter dig veta vad du kan förvĂ€nta dig av migrationsprocessen. Du fĂ„r ocksĂ„ en idĂ© om hur lĂ„ng tid migrationen kommer att ta. Förhandsvisningen körs i bakgrunden, sĂ„ du kan fortsĂ€tta anvĂ€nda din sajt.WebsiteonsdagVeckaVeckodagsformatVecka %sVeckovisVeckorNĂ€r du bryter ut evenemang frĂ„n en serie kommer dess URL att Ă€ndras, sĂ„ anvĂ€ndare som försöker anvĂ€nda sina ursprungliga URLer kommer att fĂ„ ett 404 not found-fel. Om detta Ă€r ett problem, övervĂ€g att anvĂ€nda ett lĂ€mpligt tillĂ€gg för att konfigurera och hantera omdirigeringar.I vilken mĂ„nad upprepar sig evenemanget?BreddÅrÅrsvisÅrliga anpassade repeterande evenemang kan inte ha ett bindestreck satt som dag för repetition.Årliga anpassade Ă„terkommande evenemang med en annan dag mĂ„ste ha antingen ett datum eller en dag.JaDu Ă€r pĂ„ vĂ€g att bryta ut detta evenemang ur sin serie.Du hĂ„ller pĂ„ att bryta ut detta evenemang frĂ„n sin serie. Du kommer att kunna redigera det oberoende av sin ursprungliga serie. Denna Ă„tgĂ€rd kan inte göras ogjord. NĂ€r du bryter ut evenemang frĂ„n en serie sĂ„ Ă€ndras deras URL, sĂ„ alla anvĂ€ndare som försöker anvĂ€nda den gamla URL:en kommer att fĂ„ ett 404 Sidan kunde inte hittas-fel. Om detta blir ett problem, övervĂ€g att anvĂ€nda en lĂ€mplig plugin för att stĂ€lla in och hantera omdirigeringar.Du Ă€r pĂ„ vĂ€g att bryta ut det hĂ€r evenemanget ur dess Ă„terkommande evenemang. Du kommer att kunna redigera det oberoende av det ursprungliga Ă„terkommande evenemanget. Denna Ă„tgĂ€rd kan inte Ă„ngras. NĂ€r du bryter ut evenemang frĂ„n de Ă„terkommande evenemangen sĂ„ kommer deras URL att Ă€ndras, sĂ„ anvĂ€ndare som försöker anvĂ€nda de ursprungliga URL:erna kommer att fĂ„ felmeddelandet 404 sidan finns inte. Om detta Ă€r ett problem, övervĂ€g att anvĂ€nda ett lĂ€mpligt tillĂ€gg för att stĂ€lla in och hantera omdirigeringar. Du Ă€r pĂ„ vĂ€g att dela detta Ă„terkommande evenemang i tvĂ„. Förekomsten du valde och alla pĂ„följande förekomster i det Ă„terkommande evenemanget kommer att flyttas till ett nytt Ă„terkommande evenemang, som du kan redigera oberoende av det ursprungliga Ă„terkommande evenemanget. Denna Ă„tgĂ€rd kan inte Ă„ngras. NĂ€r du bryter ut förekomster ur ett Ă„terkommande evenemang kommer deras URLer att Ă€ndras, sĂ„ anvĂ€ndare som försöker att anvĂ€nda den ursprungliga URLen kommer att fĂ„ ett 404 Sidan kunde inte hittas-fel. Om detta Ă€r ett problem, övervĂ€g att anvĂ€nda ett lĂ€mpligt tillĂ€gg för att stĂ€lla in och hantera omdirigeringar.Du Ă€r pĂ„ vĂ€g att dela denna serie i tvĂ„.Du hĂ„ller pĂ„ att dela denna serie i tvĂ„ delar. Evenemanget du har valt och alla efterföljande evenemang i serien kommer att delas i en ny serie av evenemang som du kan redigera oberoende av den ursprungliga serien. Denna Ă„tgĂ€rd kan inte göras ogjord. NĂ€r du bryter ut evenemang frĂ„n en serie sĂ„ Ă€ndras deras URL, sĂ„ alla anvĂ€ndare som försöker anvĂ€nda den gamla URL:en kommer att fĂ„ ett 404 Sidan kan inte hittas-fel. Om detta blir ett problem, övervĂ€g att anvĂ€nda en lĂ€mplig plugin för att stĂ€lla in och hantera omdirigeringar.Du hĂ„ller pĂ„ att redigera alla evenemang i en Ă„terkommande serie.Du kan anvĂ€nda denna instĂ€llning för att sĂ€tta specifika, individuella fördefinierade vĂ€rden för nya platser du skapar (dessa avĂ€nds ej för din fördefinierade plats).Du har anlĂ€ggningar för vilka vi inte har nĂ„gon geolokaliseringsdataDu mĂ„ste vĂ€lja ett slutdatum för repetitionenDu kommer att kunna redigera det oberoende av den ursprungliga serien.Din webbplats anvĂ€nder nu det uppgraderade systemet för Ă„terkommande evenemang. Se rapporten nedan för att lĂ€ra dig hur dina evenemang kan ha justerats under migreringsprocessen.Din sajt anvĂ€nder nu det uppgraderade systemet för Ă„terkommande evenemang. Se rapporten nedan för att lĂ€ra dig hur dina hĂ€ndelser kan ha justerats under migreringsprocessen. GĂ„ vidare och %1$skontrollera dina hĂ€ndelser%2$s eller %3$svisa din kalender.%2$sPostnummerZoom uppringningsinfoZoom-lĂ€nken annan dag:en annan tid:Alla fĂ€lt har blivit uppdaterade!Ett ovĂ€ntat fel stoppade uppdateringen frĂ„n att slutföras.Arbetar…Klicka hĂ€r för att köra uppdatering.efterallahela dagenochmĂ„nadsvis (anpassad)tillpĂ„ dendenveckovis (anpassad)Ă„rlig (anpassad)dagligendagligdagdagarGeocode-förfrĂ„gan misslyckades (%1$s - %2$s)Ogiltig begĂ€ran om ett Ă„terkommande evenemang (%1$s) omdirigeras till %2$sOkĂ€ndogiltig slugogiltigt datumAvbrytOKDessa Ă€ndringar kommer att pĂ„verka det hĂ€r evenemanget och alla följande %sAlla %sDen hĂ€r och följande %sRedigera Ă„terkommande $sKasta Ă„terkommande $sevenemangevenemangBegrĂ€nsa till endast utvalda eventUtvald %sfemteförstaför att latitud och longitud ska kunna skapas automatiskt; annars kommer du enbart att kunna ange vĂ€rden manuellt.fjĂ€rdehttps://evnt.is/20dag 1dag10dag 11dag 12dag 13dag 14dag 15dag 16dag 17dag 18dag 19dag 2dag 20dag 21dag 22dag 23dag 24dag 25dag 26dag 27dag 28dag 29dag 3dag 30dag 31dag 4dag 5dag 6dag 7dag 8dag 9femte fredagenfemte mĂ„ndagenfemte lördagenfemte söndagenfemte torsdagenfemte tisdagenfemte onsdagenförsta fredagenförsta mĂ„ndagenförsta lördagenförsta söndagenförsta torsdagenförsta tisdagenförsta onsdagenfjĂ€rde fredagenfjĂ€rde mĂ„ndagenfjĂ€rde lördagenfjĂ€rde söndagenfjĂ€rde torsdagenfjĂ€rde tisdagenfjĂ€rde onsdagenförra fredagenförra mĂ„ndagenförra lördagenförra söndagenförra torsdagenförra tisdagenförra onsdagensista dagenandra fredagenandra mĂ„ndagenandra lördagenandra söndagenandra torsdagenandra tisdagenandra onsdagentredje fredagentredje mĂ„ndagentredje lördagentredje söndagentredje torsdagentredje tisdagentredje onsdagensistaochkartamĂ„nadmĂ„nadsvismĂ„nadsvis (anpassad)mĂ„nadsvismĂ„naderaldrignĂ€sta dag%1$ssta dagen%1$sdje dagen%1$sdje dagen%1$se dageni mĂ„nadenav detta evenemang har skapats genom %s.pĂ„pĂ„ denen gĂ„ngen gĂ„ngfotodagInteHĂ€nderM j, YH:iĂ„terkommande %1$sta bortsamma dagandrase alltstartar %ssammanfattningtionde dagen i mĂ„nadenelfte dagen i mĂ„nadentolfte dagen i mĂ„naden13:e dagen i mĂ„naden14:e dagen i mĂ„naden15:e dagen i mĂ„naden16:e dagen i mĂ„naden17:e dagen i mĂ„naden18:e dagen i mĂ„naden19:e dagen i mĂ„nadenförsta dagen i mĂ„naden20:e dagen i mĂ„naden21:a dagen i mĂ„naden22:a dagen i mĂ„naden23:e dagen i mĂ„naden24:e dagen i mĂ„naden25:e dagen i mĂ„naden26:e dagen i mĂ„naden27:e dagen i mĂ„naden28:e dagen i mĂ„naden29:e dagen i mĂ„nadenandra dagen i mĂ„naden30:e dagen i mĂ„naden31:a dagen i mĂ„nadentredje dagen i mĂ„nadenfjĂ€rde dagen i mĂ„nadenfemte dagen i mĂ„nadensjĂ€tte dagen i mĂ„nadensjunde dagen i mĂ„nadenĂ„ttonde dagen i mĂ„nadennionde dagen i mĂ„nadensamma dag:samma tid:tredjetillveckaveckovisveckovis (anpassad)veckovisveckorĂ„rĂ„rligenĂ„rligen (anpassad)Ă„rligĂ„r—12345678910